Thursday, March 19, 2009


Change is a funny thing. You either adapt or get left behind while it takes off with whom or what ever that is willing to go by with it. Most of the time it doesn’t matter whether it is for better or for worse. Well who are we to decide right? It is often that in most cases people are resistant to change. Afraid to let go off some beliefs. Scared to let go off the old ways. At least I know I am one of those people. May be it is because we are so much concerned about what others might think or say. Though we try to ignore those thoughts. It always seems to get the best of us. As a result at the end of the day, when we are right about to go to sleep we are consumed and haunted by the thoughts that we gave in. That we are still the same old people we once were. The same old coward. The same old cry baby. The same old gutless person. We need a solution for this whole virus. Which is why I like to remind you of a quote from one of the most famous characters that influences this world. First of all let me say I am surprised the dude had what it took to say it. Yes. It is a quote from the Indian dude himself. “You must be the change you want to see in the world”. I am still not quiet sure what he meant. So I suppose we can derive any meaning we want from it. So I assume it goes like, it is not about adapting to change. It is more about making most of the change…