Friday, January 16, 2009

Too Much....

It’s a new year. A chance for people to start over. To turn over a new leaf and make good of past mistakes. Let all the regret go start with a new beginning. Guess that’s the reason people set new year’s resolution, to remind themselves about their objectives and goals…To stay on the right path. More importantly to walk on an easy path…In doing so hoping to make the current year more successful and prosperous than the one before. But often this is not the case.

Somewhere along the way we all tend to forget on what we had set our minds on. Slowly we stray away from whatever that truly matters to us. As a result we get ourselves in trouble. While by some miracle a handful of us are lucky enough to see the light. The other not so lucky ones... well they end up broken down to bits . Before you know it, your down on your knees begging and pleading for too much out of life.

The truth is at one point or another we all ask for too much. As we end up in doing so we forget to realize that too much of anything isn’t really a good thing. But how do we know how much is too much.. Too much good.. Too much care.. Too much information.. Too much fun.. Too much love.. Too much to ask.. And when is it too much to BARE!!!! So let’s all of us stick to our new year’s resolutions throughout the year and appreciate the little good things in life :)