Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nike - The shoes

Ok heres the thing. None of you probably gives a shit about all this but the fact is, i am just a huge fan of nike. I mean i find their products and especially their sportswear line to be very appealing. And in my mind i just think nike is the king of all brands. So i been trying to get these really awesome shoes for like months now. There is only one of it available and with only one size and that being my perfect size. Its practically calling me to buy it right now. So when i finally got enough cash to buy it, i have people telling me its too expensive for at me at the moment and that there are more important things to do. I know its expensive and all but i really really wanted it. Anyways i decided not to buy it. I still like it alot but guess i just cant. So yeah non of you may give a crap but just had to say what u felt ! ! !


dragonfly said...

sometimes, if its something u really really want, u just simply have to close ur eyes n go for it..

u've got to Live while u can..
n 'later' just might be too late..