Thursday, November 6, 2008


Character...character surounds us all...its in others...and it's inside of us as well...doesnt matter if it's right or wrong...point is each an everyone has it in themselves...are you confused ? might be..well i cn assure you v r nt tokn about da characters in a series,movie o some story..and yes!!!!its nt da characters we use in the english grammer...perhaps it's importnt we know what the word "character" could be described as the feature or princples that sorta completes a guide or rules of a person....ABBOT's definition of character simply means what a person obtain character, you need reputation...reputation is what he is suposed to BE....character is in himself..reputattion is in the minds of others....

As said before character and reputation is somthing which is closely related...guess you could say that reputation is awarded by showing character..or may b the other way around...nonetherlesss they are equally important in the way people see you....the way society judges you...becoause once tagged in a wrong me it's not that easy to get that tagg off of you...

Let me spare you boring details and hit on the high points..there was this certain somone i was attractd to..but she is with someone else...but she still keeps contact with me though she knows how i feell about her...when i told the story to a mad her question this certain someones's character...and now i am doing comparatively the same thing to someone....i already knw that she has a thing for me..i should probably let her be..because it would be in her best interest.any how she be more precise, she calls me everyday...n everytime its about having fun...enjoyin when that twenty minutes or so is over...i bet she will feel like crap..i know i did when the same thing kept hapening to now i assume when she shares the story to a friend of hers..and who knws chances are high they vl question my character...i dont want that...mainly because i am not the type of keeps people hanging..atleast i hope am not....

So the next time you decide to smile at someone...lend a helping hand even though ur busy...comfort someone when he or she is in need....always keep in should be doing it for dthe right reasons...not for a quick laughter and enjoyment...cox im telin you...when you get labled..its imposible to get it removed!!!!!!!